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Upgrading your Account

Thinking about upgrading your account? This page outlines why you should, and why we need to offer paid plains.

Why do we offer paid plans?

We all wish everything in life was free. Unfortunately, this is not true. While we would love to be the exception to the rule ans provide you with a completely free service, that would be a recipe for disaster.

Server costs (And the electrical bill) is always increasing, and fetching and controlling thousands of devices, scenes, snapshots and more (Not to mention our own Webhooks API, Discord Integration, and iOS client) is not cheap. In order to keep things running, we are forced to implement a tired structure for payments.

We want to keep as many features free as possible, and the rate-limit on the free plan as high as possible as well. Keeping the line between "Best for you", and "Not going into debt" is quite hard.

What do you do with the money?

This project was not created to make profit (And to this day, that is still not the goal). All the money we receive goes to one of the following things:

  • Paying our server fees (Including the electrical bill)
  • Paying other related bills (Such as email service)
  • Expanding the use of the service and implementing more functions (Primarily though purchasing additional GOVEE devices to test)

What features does paying unlock?

Upgrading to one of the two paid plans we offer unlocks the following features: (Please note that this list may not contain all the perks. Please visit the upgrade page to view the latest information)

The "Plus" plan

  • Connect up to 2 GOVEE API keys
  • Create Additional actions (And add more events to each)
  • Create more Automations (And add more events to each)
  • Unlock additional events (For actions and automations)
  • Ad-free dashboard
  • Save more colors per device
  • Unlock room commands in the Discord Integration
  • Increased rate limit (iOS, Discord, Webhooks)
  • Email-based support option

The "Premium" plan

  • Connect up to 3 GOVEE API keys
  • Create Additional actions (And add more events to each)
  • Create more Automations (And add more events to each)
  • Unlock additional events (For actions and automations)
  • Ad-free dashboard
  • Save more colors per device
  • Unlock room commands in the Discord Integration
  • Unlock "Control All" commands in the Discord Integration
  • Increased rate limit (Discord)
  • Unlimited Webhook and iOS requests*
  • Email-based support option

* Note that a 60-second rate limit still applies to prevent abuse. The GOVEE API additionally has a rate-limit of 10,000 requests/day

How can I help?

So glad you asked! You can help us on our mission by subscribing to one of two paid plans. To upgrade, please login to your account, then access the upgrade page.